Monday, September 26, 2011

Confessions of A Hoarder...

Forgive me all but I must confess....I am a hoarder.
Maybe I'm not on the verge of those crazy ass people you see on Hoarders but I am somewhat of a Hoarder. So much so that on a trip to Target my friend caught me flipping through a People magazine with J-Lo on the cover. She snapped it out of my hand, "Hey hey no!! You are not going to buy this. I'm pretty sure you still have the issue when she was Bennifer." We busted out laughing.
She laughed and said, "Girl you know it's true, you are a hoarder." I gasped. "How dare you!!" But sadly yes I am a bit of a hoarder.
It bothered me for a few days. I looked at the clutter in my room and began to get disgusted with it. Clothes and clothes and shoes upon shoes. Articles,memories, you name it, my entire life lay strewn across this small room. Sure enough little by little I have been eradicating things from my room. Sometimes I think it is going to take forever, that it will not get done.
I seriously think hoarding is a coping mechanism. Maybe subconsciously I have held onto things because so many things were not in my control, maybe because I have a hard time letting go of relationships, maybe because there is such an emptiness in me I feel the need to feel up my room, my calendar, etc. with all sorts of things.
It kind of made me sad. Did I really need all of these things, these pictures, these memories? It kind of made me angry at myself. So I'm making it my mission to rid myself of things I don't need. It's actually freeing. I feel like I'm getting rid of years of things that I don't need. I feel open and free for future opportunities. Feels good to let go of things, not just material things.

To all my hoarders, you're not alone. Free yourself!! It's possible

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